VIDEO Rental and Distribution

Our group was put together by Elliot Jeffries. We are:

Hanqing Fan

My work is focused on paper materials and digital effects. Just as René Magritte was “often depicting ordinary objects in an unusual context [and] challenging observers’ preconditioned perceptions of reality”, I am trying to use collage with Photoshop to create a new form of expression. The first “real” image is destroyed and transforms to a completely different one via the “digital” approach. I use these media to explore gender and political issues.

Georgia Hughes

I focus on the process and product within the creation of sculptures. Combining water and clay sediment over horizontal stretched canvas to create a performing installation as the water drips and evaporates. Am I creating or separating? This then has created durational video work, exploring the boredom vs real life. Time is fleeting and yet my work offers you to be stationary, expecting something more to happen.

Elliot Jeffries

Currently my work covers conditions that blend the real and imagined, the true and the false and the technologies that endlessly cycle in and out of reality. Using old and new technologies and images I blend aesthetics to create a feeling of unease and play with the uncanny, focusing on the nature of a media heavy society and its sporadic tendencies. Due to this turbulence the materiality of my work flails between that of the physical and digital world, swerving between print, sound, video, sculpture and installation.

Jarek Kubacki

In my work I’m having an on-going dialogue with the medium of painting. I mostly focus on three things: the different processes of making painterly objects, material qualities of the canvas/fabric, and the nature of the canvas/fabric itself. Most recently I’ve been looking into possibilities of working with retro-reflective material. Its physical quality invites sources of light as well as our ability to perceive as active ingredients of the work. To explore that I’ve been making painterly objects with this fabric and recently also installations that explore the relationships between the space, the object and the viewer. For the off-site show I’m planning to step away from minimalist reduction and create a mixed media sculpture incorporating casted reflective fabric among other materials.

Dana McCarthy

My work is based on drawing with various threads onto fabrics creating semi-political costumes that depict the current society we live in, to mimic the character of a person. In this particular piece, the costume represents the brutal reality that occurs throughout the media. It portrays cultural appropriation at its most grotesque form.

I’m currently working on a costume that represents “the white body” in society.

Gia Milinovich

My work focuses on the materiality of both the real and the digital worlds. I am currently exploring Marcel Duchamp’s idea of inframince and applying it to the border between the real and digital worlds. Within quantum physics, information cannot be destroyed; like with energy, information can only be transformed into a new state. According to the ‘no hiding theorem’, if information is missing from one system, then that information is simply residing elsewhere in the Universe. I use this idea to transform and destroy both physical and digital objects by passing them through the real/digital inframince multiple times, finding the original story of the object within the resulting chaos.

Rebe Winn

I am interested in exploring unexpected materials and how they can be translated to form different sculptural works. I like to take a material and find ways in which I can manipulate it revolving around personal themes and including my relation to the object. I have previously worked with things such as my hair and bread and am currently carrying out various work with sugar. My practice consists of experimentations to try to understand the material which both acts as research and finished work.